Christiana Helgeson
Courses Taught
Art 1, Art 3, 3-D 1 and 3-D 2

Master of Art In Art Education - June 1994
Concentration, Sculpture and Painting
Bachelor of Art in Studio Art - June 1992
Major - Studio Art
Minors - Art History and English
A.P. Certification - July 2020
I have been teaching Art at Prattville high School since 2015, however my teaching experience extends back to 1994 with My first job in Birmingham. I have taught in Texas and Minnesota before returning to the Alabama to assist in the care for my mother.
My job is the best in the world. I get to teach young people problem solving skills and creative thinking through experimenting with materials that help express themselves at the same time. Students also learn to interpret their surroundings though visual and spacial awareness. They experience "Reading" famous works of art in order to understand it's value in documenting history as well as interpreting it's aesthetic value.
When I am not teaching, I enjoy creating my own artwork which I like to exhibit when possible.
My husband and I are parents to two boys who keep us on our toes. We enjoy camping and the beach whenever we can fit it in.