John R. Gluschick
Special Education Teacher
Head Varsity Golf Coach
Head Varsity Bowling Coach
BA in Physical Education and Health - Huntingdon College
MA in Educational Leadership - Alabama State University
TSEC Program - Auburn University at Montgomery
This is my 29th year as an educator. I truly feel that every student can succeed. I love teaching at PHS! I have also been a High School Varsity Baseball Coach for 19 years. I have had the opportunity to coach some very good teams. Four of my teams have won State Championships and I had another team that finished runner-up. Currently, I'm the new Head Boy's and Girl's Bowling and Golf Coach. I'm really looking forward to this season. The most important thing in my life is my personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second thing that I hold so closely to my heart is my family. I have been married to my beautiful wife, formerly known as Christina Ann Nall of Lowndesboro, Alabama, for twenty-five years. We have two gorgeous daughters Emi Ann (24) and Abigail (20). I also have one son. He is my 15-year-old Shih Tzu, Big Al.